Connor's puzzle piece!

Connor's puzzle piece!
Connor is a "Racing for Autism" hero!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Winning weekend!

Okay, bear with me here, I'm trying to post videos and I've never done that hold onto your butts! :oD The videos are from our "winning weekend", the last weekend in June 2009! After Cam graduated last Thursday, he had a karate grading to go from his green belt to his blue stripe belt. I was very impressed with how much he has learned and how well he did! How he remembers all the patterns is beyond a dancer, you use music to help you but there are no "cues" to remember this stuff! Congrats "Cameron-san" as you earned your belt, we are so proud of you!

Showing his stuff!
Self-defence with a partner
Putting on the new belt!
Big smile for Mom!
The class does a few moves in their new belts!
With his instructors, proud boy!

The next part of our "winning weekend" was a trip to the inaugural "Lindsay Scottish Festival" where Delsin and Mae entered into the Highland dance competition. The weather was crappy and we learned lots about what kind of "kit" we needed to invest in to survive outdoor competition season! A big thanks to our fellow Port Perry Highland parents who were well prepared with a tent canopy for us to hide under when the rain started!! Fortunately our kids danced on the outdoor stage before the rain started, we just had to sit and wait for awards while it poured on us! The kids had a ball and made their own fun cuddling up under blankets to keep warm as they giggled and amused themselves. Everyone did really well, WTG Port Perry!!

Mae & Del kilted up and ready to go!
Nothing gets the "Port Perry Crew" down!
Delsin scores two 6th place medals in the Primary division!
Mae wows us with two 2nd place medals in only her second competition!
Showing off the "bling" at home!
A few cuddles for Oscar too :o)

Here I go giving the videos a try: The first is Mae performing her "Highland Fling" (she placed second) and Delsin performs his "Pas de Basques and High Cuts" (he placed sixth).


Georgia Rous! said...

They Both Looked Really Good Dancing!

From Georgia Back In Bicester! ox

Unknown said...

Lovely to see :-)

Cary McNeal said...

Wax on, wax off.

Cute dancing!

Lulu said...

That's terrific! I didn't know Delsin competed in dance too! All your kids are so talented (and cute) :-)

Kimberly said...

Those videos were adorable! Del is so darn cute in that kilt!