Connor's puzzle piece!

Connor's puzzle piece!
Connor is a "Racing for Autism" hero!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Quote of the Day

"If there was no such thing as flowers, then there would be no beautiful." Delsin, 3/10/2009
(while watching Mom put fresh flowers into a vase)

And there's more...

The "tat" continues. (Some pics for Baby-Mum)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Monday

Your Motivational Poster of the Day

(Thanks Cary & Harmony, way to start me week!)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy big 7th, little man!

We can hardly believe SEVEN years have passed since you made our family complete! We LOVE YOU lots and lots our gorgeous, lovey, schnugger boy. You make us so proud. Glad you had a fun day filled with love. Can't wait to have my piece of cake tomorrow...Mommy is too tired tonight...haha!

Hugs and smooches from Mom, Daddy, Connor, Cameron & Maeghan (& Bug too!)

Good morning birthday boy!
Ok...let's get this card stuff over with!
Yikes, I need to stand up for this one!
Crikey, it's almost as big as me!
Hey Mom, look what a big boy I am now!
So, Delsin, what was your favourite pressie?
The CASH, man!
Cake time, mmmmmmmmm...
Happiness is: a boy with a Scooby-Doo ice cream cake!
Forks up, now dig in!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Back to reality. Ouch, that smarts! After a week of singing the Staples commercial song to my kids, I think they were very happy to get the hell away from me and back to school today. Hehehe. :oD

Cameron headed off to his first day of high school this morning **cry** and decided he didn't need any embarrassing parents to tag along. Connor is to be Cam's "tour guide" and said he would show Cam around and make sure he got his timetable, locker assignment etc. **blub blub** What happened to my little babies? Who stole them and left these tall, lanky young men in their places? Gaaaaaaahhh... I must admit I am so proud of Connor, he is doing great in high school and I think it can only get better. Plus, he is enjoying the role of being the older brother and being able to show Cam the ropes, me thinks. :o)

Mae flew out the door to meet her girly friends when she spotted them coming up the path and even Delsin wanted me to leave him at the crosswalk and not come into the school yard with him. He had forgotten that it IS the first day of school so I needed to check the class list and get him to his new teacher...hehe. So he agreed that I could come today and then starting tomorrow I have to leave him at the crosswalk because he is "a big 2nd grade boy" now. **sigh** I guess I should be happy that my kids are all confident and independent but my Mommy heart is aching ever so slightly. But it IS nice and quiet here. I think another cup of coffee is in order!

Del did indulge Mommy with one picture :o)
Happy first day of school everyone, hope the kiddos have a fantastic start to the year!

Laura :o)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

18 years ago today...

We said, "I do". :o)

Now we're both 40 (EEK), have two teenagers (now "highschoolers"!), one 12 year old (an "intermediate"), and our "baby" is almost 7 (and a "second grader"!). We've lived in eastern and western Canada, Belgium & England! Holy shit, where the hell has the time gone????

I think I need another drink. :oD

Here's to 18 more. At least. ;o)

Thanks to our lovely family for the cards, gifts and calls, we love you.

Laura & Tim xoxo

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dirty rotten scoundrel husband...

Happy Birthday to...ME! Revenge shall be sweet, my love. Lucky for you, your gift was kick-ass! :oD

Love all of you, thank you for all the thoughtful phone calls, emails, gifts & cards and thanks for making my day so much fun already!

A few more snaps from my day:
Posing with my rotten sign...LOL
Raising a glass with Timmy
Me and my girl :o)
The kids think this is all soooooo funny, har-dee-har!
Little punks. LOL!
Beautiful flowers from Christina (thanks girl!) and a yummy DQ cake!
Getting help with the candles :o)
The girl helps Mom :o)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy 12th, Princess!

Here's to you Miss Maeghan, growing up to be such a beautiful, loving, caring, sweet young woman. Well, we'd better stick to "girl" for now so that Daddy's heart doesn't break. :oD I know you will have a fantastic day as we all spoil you...and then chuck you in the lake later...hehehe. We love you lots and lots.

Mom, Dad, Connor, Cam, Del, Oscar & Bug xoxo

Good morning 12 year old girl!
Birthday hugs from baby brother. Awwwwww...Let's get this present party started!!
Giggling about her Grandparents' cards being exactly the same!
Laughing at Daddy who was distressed about the "unmentionables" Mae received!
Hahahahaha Daddy. (Just wait until she gets big boobs...mwah haha)
SCORE...just what she wanted. Did I mention she is spoiled??
Ooooh, aaaaah, shiny new gadget...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cottage life, our style!

Just because we're at the "cottage" doesn't mean we are roughing it, by any means! We are completely civilized, dontcha know. ;o) Some fun from our week off...despite the crap weather! :oP
HEY...what are those??
Can you say C-U-T-E??
Meet "Rascal" & "Toby"
Connor and Delsin have a little Wii time!
We cook crustaceans, a belated birthday treat for Grandma!
Chef Grandpa preps them!
Boy and lobster, colour study. :oP
Mmmmmmm, says Cammy!
What the heck are you doing, Connor??
Grandpa digs in!
Mommy and her girl tuck in!
Happy Birthday Grandma...a SENIOR at last!
Yummy cake!
My goofy Dad!
Busted eating cake. Doh.
Sometimes we almost get bowled over by dogs...whoopsie Delsin!
Handsome Oscar!
Looney Bella...haha!
The kids brave the lake despite the chilly air...Mommy says, "bwok bwok bwok**
Mae & Del swim to "Connor's Cave" with Sammy and Alex
They made it and check out the cave!
And back they come!