Mae, Karyn, Ashley MacIsaac, Jacquelyn, & Briar May 22, 2010 in Sudbury, ON!

After the Sudbury competition...which went on and on and on...we were headed back to the car and we saw Ashley MacIsaac talking to some of the O.P.P. pipe band members. I decided to pull a "pushy-Mom" and barged my way in asking if the girls...all wearing their recently acquired "bling" LOL...could please have a photo with him! We would return a few hours later to hear him play a concert. And it was bloody amazing! (Thanks to Karyn for the picture!)
Here are some more pictures, courtesy of Karyn, so you can see some of the other shenanigans the girls got up to in Sudbury!
Mae & Karyn on the way to Sudbury...poor Briar is somewhere in the back being consumed by all of our stuff, LOL

Apparently my daughter cannot be trusted with a luggage cart unsupervised!

And neither can Karyn, haha!

Canada's Next Top Model. Or not. :D

Alone in a hotel room with friend and camera, let the chaos begin!


Cooling down after a long day in the sun...Mae & Briar


One last adventure in Sudbury before we headed home

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