HEY...what are those??
Can you say C-U-T-E??
Meet "Rascal" & "Toby"
Connor and Delsin have a little Wii time!
We cook crustaceans, a belated birthday treat for Grandma!
Chef Grandpa preps them!
Boy and lobster, colour study. :oP
Mmmmmmm, says Cammy!
What the heck are you doing, Connor??
Grandpa digs in!
Mommy and her girl tuck in!
Happy Birthday Grandma...a SENIOR at last!
Yummy cake!
My goofy Dad!
Busted eating cake. Doh.
Sometimes we almost get bowled over by dogs...whoopsie Delsin!
Handsome Oscar!
Looney Bella...haha!
The kids brave the lake despite the chilly air...Mommy says, "bwok bwok bwok**
Mae & Del swim to "Connor's Cave" with Sammy and Alex
They made it and check out the cave!
And back they come!

Meet "Rascal" & "Toby"

Wow, that looks like tons of fun. Can I come?
Great to see everyone having fun at the cottage plus the new arrivals :-)and NO SNAKES lol !!
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