Flowers don't "do" stress...
Yesterday as I was running around with my "hair on fire" as usual trying to get ready for the packers I suddenly caught a burst of colour out of the corner of my eye. My lilies, which I had bought last week and had not yet opened, were suddenly a mass of pink. I didn't even realize they were pink until they opened. I LOVE pink. It made me stop in my tracks and just take it in. Flowers don't "do" stress. They just exist, live their short time, and then fade away. In that process they bring such beauty to the world and they must have known that I needed to pause, even just for a few moments, to settle down and take a few moments' breather. As I walked to the kitchen after admiring my pink friends, I caught another burst of colour in the back garden. I'm most definitely not a "green thumb" and whatever is out there is due to the efforts of past owners of this house. My climbing clematis (cool, I actually KNOW a plant word..hehe) which I had just taken pity on a few weeks ago and tied up so that it wasn't wallowing on the ground had also burst open into a single purple blossom. I LOVE purple, even more than pink. I again paused and just admired. Even if only for a few moments. Thank you flowers!

Delsin doesn't "do" stress either...LOL An xbox controller, PB & J, cup of juice and life is grand! :o) He cracked me up on Monday as we arrived at school. It had been raining for 10 DAYS now, this does not make Laura a happy camper. However for a 4 year old wearing his "splash boots" nothing could be better. He was happily jumping in puddles and he declared, "Mom, I LOVE PUDDLES" (pronounced "puddoos", of course LOL) "You can splash in them, you can kick the water, you can run in the water" (pronounced "woooooter" with his cute little English accent LOL) So for Delsin rain is great. Too bad Mommy doesn't feel the same way. I went for a hack out on Sunday and it pissed down on us...yuck. I know rain is good and necessary but not for 10 freaking days in a row...ugh.
Connor took this pic of me on Monday (surfing a new blog I found, damn you Pioneer Woman, I have stuff to be doing ya know...LOL), note large bags under Mommy's eyes...ugh. I've spent the last week getting ready for the packing crew who arrived today...woo hoo. That's the good news. The bad news is that we STILL have not exchanged contracts on our house. Technically that means the whole deal could collapse but I refuse to dwell on that possibility. Everyone "says" that they are still looking to complete things on the 23rd. Bottom line is that there is nothing I can do about any of it now, the moving process has begun for us and there's no turning back!! So we just have to trust that this will happen as planned. Worst case we have to sell an empty house. Stay tuned!
The packing crew is blowing through the house so I'm glad I was able to get prepared as well as I did...EEK. The kids rooms are fully packed except for their beds, the dining room and conservatory are fully packed too. Not that I'm complaining about efficiency! We just had another chuckle with one of the lads, courtesy of our little comedian Delsin. Del came upstairs as we were chatting before they left for the day and Delsin gave the lad a "thumbs up". He said that Delsin had given him "10 superstars" so far today **snort**. We asked Del why he had given so many "superstars" to the man and he said, "Because you are really GOOD". This kids cracks me up on a daily basis. Forget therapy, just have a happy-go-lucky 4 year old in your midst! Can't wait to hear the corkers he'll come out with as we take him on an airplane for the first time next week!! Our tickets are booked, we fly out on Thursday morning bright and early. Connor and Cameron leave with Dad, who arrived yesterday, on Monday. I can't wait now! It will just be nice to go "home".
Okay, onwards and upwards. **I will get through this, I will get through this**
Laura :o)
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