So Easter is over, the "furry rodent" arrived and the kids spent yesterday in a chocolate haze! It was a nice relaxing weekend, we took a couple of outings and just chilled out, something that was needed by all of us. Connor expressed that he had hoped to have Easter at the and me both dude. Grandma will arrive on Wednesday and I know that will help to cheer the kids, and myself, up. I've done something to my back again, damn sciatica, so it will be great to have Mom here to help me sort through more boxes as the great purge continues! I'm on tenterhooks waiting for more news on the house sale, there is so much to do in a short time once we hear if things are a go or not. The car needs to be sold, the appliances as well, notifications need to be sent/called in, travel plans made. Aarrgghh. I spoke to the Mom of one of Mae's friends yesterday and I had assumed she was calling from their new home only to find out that her deal fell through as well. Doh. We had spoken about two weeks ago and I had told her of our ordeal, she offered condolences and wished us well only to have the same thing happen to her a few days later. Like me, she was told by her agents "these things happen"...but why????
Here's a few pics from the last few days-------->
The kids in Banbury watching the canal boats
Mae and Del having a bike ride at home
Look Ma, no hands!
Big bike-riding boy!
Easter sleepover at Mae's!
Cam joins the sleepover gang!
Del shares sleeping space with his big sister
Con hangs out with Mom and does some exercise!
Hurry up Mom, the Easter Bunny was here....
Woo hooooooo, chocolate!!
Treats for Mae too
Cam tucks in to the choccies!
Delsin loves his big brother...
You may notice that there are no pics of Connor enjoying his bunny treats, I had to haul him out of bed to join us quite early because Mae had to leave for the stables at 8:45! He humoured me by sitting at the table but I took pity on him and told him he could go back to bed...hehe. He came down again a short time later because, of course, he couldn't get back to sleep. I looked into the living room and saw him and Delsin cuddled up together and caught a pic of the moment...awwwwwww. My kids have normal sibling scraps, but they really do love each other.
So it's "bank holiday" Monday and we are going to meet some of my local doggy walking friends along with Jan and the family for a walk in the quarry in Kidlington. Cue groaning from Connor and Cameron but they will be coming along. Mom's are soooooo mean sometimes! :o)
Hope you have had a nice restful weekend where you are. There are no calories in chocolate when it is given in conjunction with a holiday. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to my best friend, my true blue, Sandz. I hope you have had a marvy birthday weekend. Miss you much and hope to see you again soon. Lots of love coming your way from all of us.
Me and Sandz in Whistler July 2004
Happy Birthday babes!
Cheers from sunny **gasp** England,
Laura :o)
1 comment:
Hola babe, and a Happy Easter to my true-blue! :o)
Wow, was Whistler that long ago? Looks like we're due for another visit up there...
Thanks for the Bday wishes & the amazing flowers.
Missing you THISSS much!
Hugs to you, Tim & my kiddies,
lovin', sandz! xo
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