Bon Voyage Oscar & Schat
Another day, another sob-fest...sigh. I dropped Oscar and Schat off at the kennels near Heathrow this morning and they will be flying out to Ottawa tomorrow to be greeted by my Mom. I was actually doing okay until I was loading them up and Jan appeared red-eyed...DOH! Oscar breaks hearts wherever he goes and he has truly broken Jan's, and mine. I know, I know, I will see them again but it doesn't make it any easier to hand them over to strangers and know that they will be an eight hour flight away now. I stings even more to know that we should have been joining them in two weeks. Phuck. Jan then brought on more tears, but happy ones this time, when she presented me with a framed montage of shots from Oscar's photo-shoot. What a handsome boy!! Stu is truly talented and Jan is amazing at the editing and composition of the work that they do. Oscar's handsome face will be gracing our Vet's office where, hopefully, he will entice other pet owners to have a shoot done too. My star boy! Too bad we couldn't have had Schat immortalized, would have been a hoot to watch Stu chase her (my scaredy-cat) around the garden..hehe.
I will wait anxiously to hear from Mom that they have arrived safe and sound and in the mean time I can track them online! Ain't technology grand?
Please somebody send some **good luck** vibes my way? I need something to smile about for a change.
Laura :o(
My handsome Oscar!

My little Schatje!

1 comment:
Great pics, Laura. Sending ya lots of hugs, and good luck with the house stuff etc. And belated best wishes for Mothers Day.
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