I put my 2nd born, Cammy, on a bus this morning for his year groups' annual week long residential trip. And yes, I cried because I'm a big wimp **blub blub**. Last year he was adamant that he wouldn't go and I couldn't blame him really considering how he was being treated by some of his peers. When he went back this year he decided he did want to go and I am so proud of him! It's an outdoor adventure week and they will get to do things like rock climbing and caving...shame the weather forecast is looking a bit daunting! I know he'll be just fine but man was it hard to see his little face in the window of that big bus waving at me with a slightly concerned look. Ohhhh, my aching heart! Here's my little man and his buddy Jonathon waiting to board!

Cam chatting to Jonathon while they wait to board the bus.

Smiling for Mom!

Cam and his buddy Jonathon
I don't think my heart can take much more stress this week, so I hope karma works with me on this one. ;o)
I'll post an update on the last few manic weeks around here with some pics! Hope you are all well.
Love from all of us, and big smooches going out to my darling boy Cammy.
Laura :o)
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