So much to do, so little time to do it in! I have been working like a freaking demon since Tim left trying to get the house ready to sell and I think my head is going to explode. I will NEVER, repeat NEVER do this much painting again, mark my words!! All painter/decorators in the Ajax/Whitby area be on alert that I may be requiring your services in the near future! One wall left plus some trim to sort out and then I may put down the brush/roller. Then we still have to purge and clean before the estate agent comes on Monday...aarrgghh. Tim arrives back from TO on Saturday and has been forewarned that despite how crap he will feel from the jetlag, we are under the gun here. He's promised to help and I hope he will. He sent me details on a few houses and I just have to ask...what the hell are people thinking sometimes with their decorating???? Roman-style columns?? Tacky wallpaper borders?? Obnoxious colours?? Don't these people watch "House Doctor"?? Apparently not. Calling all decorators...
**I will get through this** **I will get through this** **I will get through this** (my new mantra!)
Laura :o)
Follow the family Taverner's adventures as they return from life abroad!
Connor's puzzle piece!

Connor is a "Racing for Autism" hero!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
He's Baaaaaaack!
My wonderful boy is back from Woodlands, YAY! I must admit, I was very emotional when I picked him up because he spotted me and ran into my arms and gave me a huge bear hug **sniff sniff** It was comforting to see that I wasn't the only teary-eyed parent there! Both Ms. McConnell and Miss Millington made a point of coming up to me to tell me what a great time he had, apparently he was a little star! He tried everything and was caring and compassionate to other kids when they were ill or scared. There was a flu bug doing the rounds and some kids were really ill but thankfully Cameron and Sophie were spared but Cam's buddy Jonathon was hit and did some very impressive throwing-up according to Cam..hehe. Cam also got to experience the joys of "having to go" outside and was coached through the art of squatting by one of the centre leaders...leave it to Cameron, hahaha! He is quite pleased with himself despite returning with a plastic bag with wet underpants in it..ewwwwwwww! Oh the joys of being a Mom, right? ;o) I can't tell you how proud I am of my boy, my heart is bursting with pride! We are supposed to be receiving a CD-rom with pics from the trip and I hope there's a few of Cam!

Cam with his scary pile of laundry!

My beautiful boy is BACK!
Tim arrived safely in Toronto on Friday and I hope he got a good rest yesterday, we didn't talk to him! Today is Grey Cup at my Dad's with Tim, Uncle Fred, Uncle Rob and Uncle Randy...I hope Tim heeds my warning and doesn't pollute his liver because he has an early meeting with his new customer, Rogers, tomorrow...consider this a "blog-nag", my dear. ;o) I'm so jealous that he is enjoying the blissful calm of the cottage but hopefully it won't be long before we are all enjoying restful weekends on the lake!
I will still work on getting some Paris pics up, just too busy...aarrgghh! So here's a few to tide you over!

A sidewalk cafe we found right after arriving in Paris! Note the guys in the window behind us...wankers...our waiter was killing himself laughing!

The Arc de Carosel at the can look straight through the arch and see all the way to the Arc de Triomphe!

Hey, what's that thing behind me???

I'm at the Louvre...wheeeeeeeee!

The architecture was simply stunning, everywhere you looked there were ornate carvings such as this handsome fellow!
Hope you are having a nice relaxing Sunday,
Laura :o)

Cam with his scary pile of laundry!

My beautiful boy is BACK!
Tim arrived safely in Toronto on Friday and I hope he got a good rest yesterday, we didn't talk to him! Today is Grey Cup at my Dad's with Tim, Uncle Fred, Uncle Rob and Uncle Randy...I hope Tim heeds my warning and doesn't pollute his liver because he has an early meeting with his new customer, Rogers, tomorrow...consider this a "blog-nag", my dear. ;o) I'm so jealous that he is enjoying the blissful calm of the cottage but hopefully it won't be long before we are all enjoying restful weekends on the lake!
I will still work on getting some Paris pics up, just too busy...aarrgghh! So here's a few to tide you over!

A sidewalk cafe we found right after arriving in Paris! Note the guys in the window behind us...wankers...our waiter was killing himself laughing!

The Arc de Carosel at the can look straight through the arch and see all the way to the Arc de Triomphe!

Hey, what's that thing behind me???

I'm at the Louvre...wheeeeeeeee!

The architecture was simply stunning, everywhere you looked there were ornate carvings such as this handsome fellow!
Hope you are having a nice relaxing Sunday,
Laura :o)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Gaaaaaahhhh, my Mommy heart...blah
I put my 2nd born, Cammy, on a bus this morning for his year groups' annual week long residential trip. And yes, I cried because I'm a big wimp **blub blub**. Last year he was adamant that he wouldn't go and I couldn't blame him really considering how he was being treated by some of his peers. When he went back this year he decided he did want to go and I am so proud of him! It's an outdoor adventure week and they will get to do things like rock climbing and caving...shame the weather forecast is looking a bit daunting! I know he'll be just fine but man was it hard to see his little face in the window of that big bus waving at me with a slightly concerned look. Ohhhh, my aching heart! Here's my little man and his buddy Jonathon waiting to board!

Cam chatting to Jonathon while they wait to board the bus.

Smiling for Mom!

Cam and his buddy Jonathon
I don't think my heart can take much more stress this week, so I hope karma works with me on this one. ;o)
I'll post an update on the last few manic weeks around here with some pics! Hope you are all well.
Love from all of us, and big smooches going out to my darling boy Cammy.
Laura :o)
Cam chatting to Jonathon while they wait to board the bus.
Smiling for Mom!
Cam and his buddy Jonathon
I don't think my heart can take much more stress this week, so I hope karma works with me on this one. ;o)
I'll post an update on the last few manic weeks around here with some pics! Hope you are all well.
Love from all of us, and big smooches going out to my darling boy Cammy.
Laura :o)
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