Today one of my kids gave me a cringeworthy moment...I swear they are trying to give me grey hair sometimes...sigh. Cameron is turning 11 on October 19th and last week we made arrangements for a toboggan party at an indoor "snowdome" in Milton Keynes...hey this is England so you have to go inside to get "snow"! I asked him to pick 4 friends and so I booked the party for these friends plus his siblings and me & Tim. So this morning a lady I know from school, and walking the dogs each day, walks up to me in the park and hands me a piece of folded paper and I have no idea what it could be. She guesses this by the blank look on my face. So I open the paper and it's an R.S.V.P. from one of the party invites Cam took to school the day before...the only problem is that this kids is not invited...lovely. Cam and this boy have an on/off friendship which is probably why he wasn't invited in the first place. So I say to her that yes I am confused because her son wasn't invited to the party. She says, "oh well", he'd love to come and leaves it at that. Aarrgghh. Now if it was me, I would have said "oh I'm so sorry, there must have been a mix-up, no worries"...but not this lady. So I went home and had a think but my hands were tied..the party is booked and paid for. So I found her in the park again later in the day and just told her I was sorry but there was a miscommunication and her son can't come...EEK. She seemed to be okay with it but I'm sure she had some choice words about me when she got home. Why do kids do this kind of stuff to their parents???? My kids are lucky they are so damn cute or else I'd be auctioning them off on ebay, I swear!!

The kids had haircuts yesterday and I took this picture of them on the trampoline! I try to take a group shot after every haircut to see how much they have changed. Aren't they the most gorgeous kids you've ever seen? Well, I may be a little biased....
In other news...I've fallen in love...with my cleaning lady...LMAO! My dear friend Jen started yesterday in what will become a weekly routine of some cleaning in my house. She blitzed my bathrooms, vacuumed, washed my floors and did some she took a basket of ironing which was returned today. I already liked her and now I want to have her babies! :o) I made the decision, with prompting from my counsellor, to get some help in because I have to do everything in this house and it's just too much! I want to keep working part-time and I can't do it all so I'm handing some of it off! It's a win-win because Jen wants the work and I need the help. I'm one happy camper!
It's been a productive week so far, I've had the plumber in to give a quote on installing the shower...FINALLY, I've picked up lino samples for the kitchen and bathrooms, I've called a decorator to come and give a quote for doing the walls in the hall and stairs and I've started sorting through some of the piles of crap and toys that are overtaking the wonder I'm tired all the time!
Looks like another busy day tomorrow as well, Tim is "on the road" so I'll have to do the school runs, I have a meeting with Cam's teacher after school, then I see my counsellor, then take Mae to ballet. Good thing I go to see my hairdresser in the morning...I think she'll have the cure for the grey hairs!
Nighty-night all,
Laura :o)
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