| Good week, bad week! Current mood: chipper Category: Blogging So, two kids have had a GREAT week, and two have had a so-so week! Both of my older boys have had bullying issues at school...nothing new here....grrrrrr! The oldest, Connor, was called "Canadian scum" and physically assaulted by a little wanker in his year group. I hope this kids' parents have a roaring case of the shits as revenge..hehe! We try to teach Connor to turn a blind eye but I'm severely tempted to tell him to stand up for himself and kick some ass...he's not a small guy! Is that so wrong of me?? I will never understand this "foreigner" anger that persists in some of the smaller regions of this country...get over it already, we live here, we own a house here, we pay our taxes here, so KISS MY ASS!! My 2nd born also had issues with the same group of bastards that regularly bother him at school. There is another "foreign" girl at school that is being given grief and she decided to fight back this week....and it worked! She is bigger than my 10 year old..and she's only 7! Woo hooo! I think Cam should team up with her and kick some serious ass! How much bullying should kids be expected to take before they fight back???? It is really hard as a parent to tell them to ignore it when you know that the parents of these little bastards/bitches that do the bullying are not discouraging theirs kids' behaviours! Think we need to start a rebel alliance all of our own! Now, that could be the vodka tonics talking...urgh!
In the good news part of this blog: number 4 child toilet trained this week...yippee! Last Saturday he announced that he wanted to pee in the toilet and he obviously meant it!! We've only had one accident since last Saturday...at preschool which is apparently not uncommon when they get engrossed in playing (so I'm told..hehe)...so I do believe we've got it sussed! Woo hoo! I think I may be finally over the "broody" phase where I long for another baby....4 out of diapers and creeping up on 40....okay, stick a fork in me, I'm DONE!!
In other news...my darling daughter Maeghan (the only other pink one in the house besides me and the damn cat..hehe) got her ballet exam results today! In her Royal Academy of Dance Grade 2 Exam she received a...DISTINCTION..the highest grade! Woo hoo! She got a total mark of 80%, which is exceptional! Pardon my shameless bragging! It was all the more sweet because she was convinced that she would only earn a "Merit" because she had made a few errors, so seeing her face today when she heard her results was priceless! I am one PROUD MOMMA! I enjoyed 18 years of ballet as a girl/young adult and am so proud that my girl enjoys the same thing that I did for so many years! So it was celebratory hot chocolate (and a gingerbread latte for Mommy..mmmmmmm) at Starbucks for us!
Tim and I have had a hellish week so are enjoying a quiet night to wind down! Tim is killing some type of enemy on his computer and I'm enjoying some catch-up on mine while the kids are busy watching movies/playing Xbox 360 games....absolute bliss for a Saturday night! I will pay for the vodka and pink wine in the morning, but what the hell! It's "Mothering Sunday" here tomorrow but I'm up early to take Mae & Soph's to the stables for 9:00...UGH! I already got my gift, a lovely insulated picinc bag full of goodies, yesterday! It was full of yummies....port, cheeses, wine, crackers, chocolates, nuts, etc...plus plates, glasses, cutlery and the all important corkscrew! YIPPEE! We will be sure to try it out if it ever stops raining...**not holding my breath**
Love to all, Laura :o) |
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