I think I am not the lone Canadian hoping that Conrad Black will soon be someone's bitch! After his disgracefully lenient sentence being issued we can all sit back and smile knowing that he didn't fully get away with it. He is now prisoner number: 18330-424. How sweet it is. That's what you get for renouncing your Canadian citizenship you putz!! Funny that the media was having trouble finding anyone who felt sorry for him on the streets of Toronto yesterday...heehee. Now we have to sit with bated breath as his legal machine starts the appeal process, fingers crossed that he will be staying put!
On a sad note, I was so sorry to hear that Jeff Healey died on Sunday at the very young age of 41, he was a Canadian treasure and will be missed. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
On the homefront things are ticking along. The kids are gearing up for March Break and by the look of some of the teachers at school they are just as excited..hehe. Report cards are being issued this week **dum, Dum, DUM** and so far we have Delsin's which says that he is right where he should be or "EL" (expected level) in all areas! Well done little man!
We had Connor's "annual review" today to discuss his needs/strengths/weaknesses for the coming year. He is off to high school in September (ACK) so this was an important meeting to make sure his needs will be met for next year. Fortunately the high school has agreed with our desire to place him in the academic (university) stream for next year with "withdrawal support" (extra EA support) where he needs it. He is taking two modified courses for kids with special needs one being a "learning strategies" course that will help him with study skills, organization and developing his social skills and the other is a modified arts program which this school designed for students like Connor who struggle taking regular arts program (art, drama or music)...you must have one arts credit to graduate in Ontario. I am really pleased that we didn't meet with any resistance which was a worry in the back of my head. I know high school will be hard for him but I would rather go in challenging him to see if we can pull out all that potential and then scale it back a bit if he is finding it a bit too much rather than give him the easy route and not have him live up to his potential. He has the option to do his high school in 5 years rather than 4 and we will leave that available if we feel he would benefit from scaling back one course per year. All in all it was a good review and Mommy is feeling positive! Connor's main concern is people "being mean to me" and we are all working hard to send him in with a positive attitude and make sure he understands that entering high school is hard for all kids, not just him! He did perk up though when he heard that his current SERT has applied for "technology support"...translation: a laptop! That elicited a smile from my big man! :o)
Cam is continuing with his karate...mean old Mom is making him go several times per week...and he is enjoying it! I asked him this morning as he was heading out the door if his body was sore from class last night and initially he said "no". Then he tried to lift his arms over his head and suddenly looked at me and said, "um, actually I AM sore"...haha! That is a good thing though, he needs the physical exertion to disperse some of his boundless energy!
Little Miss has sore feet today after her second pointe class last night followed by a full ballet and a jazz class, poor thing. :o) She is tired after working very hard on the weekend to get a book report completed that she knew she wouldn't have much time to finish this week with her after school activities. Good girl!
Tim had another long night working from midnight until 6:00AM on a launch project for his customer, he looks a bit beat up today but couldn't stay in bed as he has his regular work to complete. No rest for the wicked, as they say.
Mom & Dad are enjoying Thailand and I hate them ever so slightly for that. :o) They are eating lots of yummy food, enjoying lots of massages and other treatments, and spending some time with a few friends from their town here in cold, miserable Canada! After previously talking about how much they love Thailand at their local legion a couple of the older single/widowed guys decided to take the plunge and visit last year...they loved it and are back staying for a much longer visit this time! They have even managed to bag Thai girlfriends, the old dogs! :o) They all deserve to be enjoying themselves so I'll swallow back my envy. :o)
So that's all the news that's new around here. Onwards and upwards as they say. I'm watching the skies carefully as freezing rain changing to snow is supposed to be headed our way, just in time for Mae & I to be heading for the stables. Oh joy. I still refused to become jaded, I have thoroughly enjoyed my first Canadian winter in 7 years!!
Ta-ta from us,
Laura :o)