Good morning birthday boy!
Follow the family Taverner's adventures as they return from life abroad!
Connor's puzzle piece!

Connor is a "Racing for Autism" hero!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Cameron (aka "Doodle") 19/10/07
Friday, October 12, 2007
There it is...
That Fall chill is finally in the air! Last night was chilly and today there was that "nip" in the air that lets you know there is no turning back now, winter is truly on it's way! My kids have NO idea, or remembrance, of what they are in for...suckers...LOL. Despite the chill I decided to bike around to run my errands today and I returned home, not only exhausted because of the uphill climb all the way home, but with rosy cheeks and a runny nose! The kids all came in from school commenting on the temperature and Cam learned a good lesson about heeding warnings that it may really be too cool to wear your sandals today...hehe.
I have NO idea how it can possibly be almost the middle of October, September seems to have gone by in a blur! The kids are settled nicely into school and activities are well underway. Delsin, who is in "Senior Kindergarten", informed me last week that he no longer wants to come home for lunch, little stinker. Last Monday when I arrived to pick him up he got very cross with me and said he wanted to stay & play with his friends. Cue pouting from Mommy. So he has stayed for lunch since then and when I asked his teacher today how he was doing she replied, knowing I'm feeling a bit "delicate" about this, "I regret to inform you that...he is doing fantastic and is loving being at school for the whole day". Sigh. How quickly they grow up and earn their independence. I'm happy really, just a bit sad at the same time. I know every other mother understands my pain. My last baby is growing up. Double sigh. Mae is in the school musical "Oliver" which will be performed in December and is busy with her dancing and riding in the evenings. Cam is taking music at school, he is learning to play the alto sax, and he is also taking a cooking class through the YMCA. He is hoping to learn to skate this winter so we'll start going to the local arena soon. Connor is getting amazing support at the school, it has really taken me by surprise to be honest! Not that I'm complaining. ;o) Like Cam he is also learning to play an instrument, the clarinet, and has been getting some extra coaching from the music teacher which has helped immensely! He informed me early into the school year that he wanted to stay for lunch two days per week so that he could join the "Robotics Club" could have knocked me over with a feather! They get to do all kinds of cool stuff with Lego robotics and will prepare an entry for a regional competition. Lego is right up Connor's alley, trust me, his room is a shrine to Lego!
In September Tim and I traveled to Ottawa for the wedding of my friend Sue and her, now husband, Tom! It was a great weekend away for us and a chance to meet up with great friends for some laughs, drinks and food...lots of food...a Polish wedding...I swear I was full for days after coming home! It was a bit surreal to sit around with people I went to high school with and we are now all "grown up", getting married and some of us with kids! Talk about your life flashing before your eyes! Many congrats to Sue and Tom, you looked so stinking happy and I wish you a long and happy life together!
We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving in our new home even though that was a departure from our original plan to be at the lake for the holiday weekend! Unfortunately Tim has developed a nasty infection in his "bum" leg and has been on IV antibiotics for the past two weeks. The infection is not going away completely so he has been referred to an orthopaedic specialist for a "gallium scan" to check for an abscess in the tissue or bone on that leg. Poor Tim, this damn leg is going to haunt him forever. The confusing part is that he didn't do anything to trigger this, no bumps or bruises, no cuts or bug bites, just a random infection that started out as some pain and swelling around his big ugly scar. I hope the bone doc can shed some light on what is going on and fix it!
I have forced myself back to the gym to take better care of myself and although it has almost killed me, I'm glad I'm doing it! I have to be a bridesmaid next May so my goal is to look fabulous when I'm standing in front of all those people honouring my bestest friend Sandz and her wonderful man Steve! Nothing like a fitted, strapless dress for motivation! :o)
Laura XO
I have NO idea how it can possibly be almost the middle of October, September seems to have gone by in a blur! The kids are settled nicely into school and activities are well underway. Delsin, who is in "Senior Kindergarten", informed me last week that he no longer wants to come home for lunch, little stinker. Last Monday when I arrived to pick him up he got very cross with me and said he wanted to stay & play with his friends. Cue pouting from Mommy. So he has stayed for lunch since then and when I asked his teacher today how he was doing she replied, knowing I'm feeling a bit "delicate" about this, "I regret to inform you that...he is doing fantastic and is loving being at school for the whole day". Sigh. How quickly they grow up and earn their independence. I'm happy really, just a bit sad at the same time. I know every other mother understands my pain. My last baby is growing up. Double sigh. Mae is in the school musical "Oliver" which will be performed in December and is busy with her dancing and riding in the evenings. Cam is taking music at school, he is learning to play the alto sax, and he is also taking a cooking class through the YMCA. He is hoping to learn to skate this winter so we'll start going to the local arena soon. Connor is getting amazing support at the school, it has really taken me by surprise to be honest! Not that I'm complaining. ;o) Like Cam he is also learning to play an instrument, the clarinet, and has been getting some extra coaching from the music teacher which has helped immensely! He informed me early into the school year that he wanted to stay for lunch two days per week so that he could join the "Robotics Club" could have knocked me over with a feather! They get to do all kinds of cool stuff with Lego robotics and will prepare an entry for a regional competition. Lego is right up Connor's alley, trust me, his room is a shrine to Lego!
In September Tim and I traveled to Ottawa for the wedding of my friend Sue and her, now husband, Tom! It was a great weekend away for us and a chance to meet up with great friends for some laughs, drinks and food...lots of food...a Polish wedding...I swear I was full for days after coming home! It was a bit surreal to sit around with people I went to high school with and we are now all "grown up", getting married and some of us with kids! Talk about your life flashing before your eyes! Many congrats to Sue and Tom, you looked so stinking happy and I wish you a long and happy life together!
Tim and Sandz all dolled up enjoying a pint...or two.
The beautiful bride and the Nepean gals Michelle, Sandz, & me!
Another old school friend Gonzo and his beautiful wife Marlene with Tim
Why too much wine/beer is never a good idea...LOL
Tim accosting Steve!

Tim's Mom was in town and watched the kids for us while we escaped for the wedding weekend and she, and her partner Len enjoyed spending time with the kiddos. We also got to celebrate her birthday before they headed south in their RV! They are now in Texas after a visit to Graceland!!Tim accosting Steve!
Happy Birthday Marilynn
Celebrating with Len
Del and Cam having fun in the RV
Mae hanging out with Rascal-the-dog, Marilynn & Len's beloved companion!
Connor doing what Connor does!

Tim and Cam are off to Calgary next week to celebrate Tim's brother's 40th birthday and then it's my turn to escape for a long weekend with some girlfriends in Seattle!
Tim and Cam are off to Calgary next week to celebrate Tim's brother's 40th birthday and then it's my turn to escape for a long weekend with some girlfriends in Seattle!
We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving in our new home even though that was a departure from our original plan to be at the lake for the holiday weekend! Unfortunately Tim has developed a nasty infection in his "bum" leg and has been on IV antibiotics for the past two weeks. The infection is not going away completely so he has been referred to an orthopaedic specialist for a "gallium scan" to check for an abscess in the tissue or bone on that leg. Poor Tim, this damn leg is going to haunt him forever. The confusing part is that he didn't do anything to trigger this, no bumps or bruises, no cuts or bug bites, just a random infection that started out as some pain and swelling around his big ugly scar. I hope the bone doc can shed some light on what is going on and fix it!
I have forced myself back to the gym to take better care of myself and although it has almost killed me, I'm glad I'm doing it! I have to be a bridesmaid next May so my goal is to look fabulous when I'm standing in front of all those people honouring my bestest friend Sandz and her wonderful man Steve! Nothing like a fitted, strapless dress for motivation! :o)
My gorgeous best friend Sandz, the bride-to-be, and me in Port Perry!
(Sandz is crouching to make me feel taller...for once...haha!)

The past 9 months, almost a year really, has been so unbelievably stressful for me and although we are now settled and loving our new home, town and our life here the stress has taken it's toll on me and I can feel myself sliding down the slippery depression path. I'm familiar with this path and it's not where I want to be! So after a visit to the doctor (YES we actually found a local GP...woo hoo) I am going to try taking better care of myself and that starts with fitness to get those endorphins swimming around in my blood and brain! If Mommy isn't happy, nobody is happy so my mental and physical health are important. It's nice to be this self aware after years of feeling lost and despondent. Wish me luck!(Sandz is crouching to make me feel taller...for once...haha!)
Our new home and a very positive thing for me to focus on!
Laura XO
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